The IDDSI provides a common terminology to describe food textures and drink thickness. The IDDSI framework consists of a continuum of 8 levels (0-7), where drinks are measured from Levels 0 – 4, while foods are measured from Levels 3 – 7. Confusion and miscommunication regarding diet textures and drink consistencies has resulted in increased risk of illness and even death.
Implementation of the IDDSI requires support from all staff (administrators, nursing, physicians, therapy staff, dietitians, kitchen staff) of a facility/agency and consistency in transitions of care to various levels of care, therefore, all provider types (hospitals, nursing facilities, assisted living, ICF-ID, home health, hospice, & home care) are encouraged to participate in this interactive training session.
Presenter: Sue Linja, RDN, LD graduated from the University of Idaho in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics in 1988 and has spent most of her years as a business owner providing much needed nutrition services to a variety of health care entities. Expert nutrition consulting for skilled nursing facilities, hospitals, psychiatric care, home health, assisted living, corrections, ICF-ID facilities, schools, and physicians’ clinics for outpatient education and many others has been the goal of the business since its inception over 25 years ago. Sue’s focus has been working with long term care facilities in the capacity of nutrition services director, clinical dietitian, health facility surveyor and dietitian consultant.